According to news published in Boston Herald, asbestos has been discovered in a school in Newton, a community in the Boston area. As indicated by the news report, the authorities have decided to go ahead with the asbestos removal project from the school without closing it down.
Initially, it was planned that asbestos materials would be removed from the Newton North building site during the summer break. However, according to a new statement from spokesman, the asbestos materials will not be removed from the school until the students return in fall this year.
A licensed asbestos removal firm, McPhail Associates Inc. has been hired to remove asbestos materials from the school building. They say that the sporadic asbestos pieces found underneath the high school site in April do not belong to dangerous form of asbestos. They belong to the harmless category of asbestos and are not hazardous to human health. However, the state is taking all the necessary steps to ensure safe removal of asbestos products and for this purpose they have also hired a professional asbestos removal company.
However, the most important thing is the presence of asbestos in school and its consequent inhalation by the children. Asbestos exposure can cause mesothelioma, a deadly cancer and other lung diseases too. Although, the asbestos found here is said to be of the safest kind, yet it is important that all the precautionary measures are taken to make this process as smooth and secure as possible.